Alabama Music Teachers Association

Affiliated with Music Teachers National Association

Our mission is to:

Enhance the professional development of our members

Encourage musical performance

Provide continual enrichment for music education

Promote the cause of music

We welcome new members. Consider joining today!



Hoping you all enjoyed a successful start to the 2023-24 academic year.

It was wonderful to see so many AMTA members at our 71st Annual State Conference in June. I hope you will begin making plans now to join us in Jacksonville in June for the 72nd Annual State Conference. Updates will be posted on the conference pages as they become available. It is going to be another magnificent opportunity to see friends and colleagues and hear outstanding performances by students from across the state!

Another opportunity to learn, meet colleagues, and hear amazing student performances will take place in Atlanta, GA in March 2024. The MTNA National Conference will be right next door and in our very own Southern Division. This is the closest the conference has been in recent years, and I hope the close proximity will make it possible for many AMTA members to attend and support our neighbors as they host teachers, students, and pedagogues from all over the world.

Sincerest thanks to our AMTA Board Members, District Chairs, Local Association Presidents, and other leaders and volunteers who help support this organization! AMTA relies on the volunteerism of its members to make competitions and other programs possible, and your dedication provides incredible opportunities for our students and teachers alike.

As we enter into a season of increasingly busy schedules, I hope you all find fulfillment and joy in music, whether it be through teaching, performing, or a combination of both.

With gratitude,

Laura Beth Mitchell-Bisset

AMTA President