Alabama Music Teachers Association

Affiliated with Music Teachers National Association

Local Association Grants

In August 1988, the Executive Board voted to provide funds for a series of financial grants from AMTA for professional growth of the members of its affiliated associations. The guidelines are:

1.    The workshop or event must be for training of the Local Affiliate membership and area musicians in a pedagogical or professional relationship to music.

2.    It is preferred that clinicians or workshop leaders be members of AMTA. This is not required, however.

3.    The local affiliate must submit its request for funds by copying and completing the application form as completely as possible and mailing it to the AMTA president at least one month prior to the date of the event. Additional paper may be used if necessary.

4.    The amount of a grant in any year to each Local Affiliate shall not exceed $100.00.

5.    Approval for AMTA support of the project will be decided by the AMTA president or such persons as he/she designates to fulfill such duty.

6.    A report on the appropriate form must be sent to the AMTA president immediately after the event to let the state organization know of the results. It is suggested that a brief report of the project be written up and sent to the current AMTA Soundboard editor for publication.

7.    Copies of the application form may be requested at any time by writing the AMTA President.

Each Local Affiliate is also eligible for a competitive grant from the Music Teachers National Association. Details of these grants are available from the National Office.

How to Apply

Local Association Grant Application